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Tony Pham


As a design student, Tony saw the issue of organizing the overwhelming amount and information on his student loans. Previously, Tony his previous experience as a UX designer, he saw how he could help fix through problem through through innovative, yet beautiful user experiences. He helps design these beautiful experiences at Mercury where he’s honed skills as an interface designer designer, web developer, wireframing, and piloting. Being responsible for wireframing and the piloting experience, he set out to make Mercury a simple and quick process to organize student loans.His research began with user interviews
to better understand the issue of student loans.

This provided him with the foundation of the overall experience and information architecture. Through numerous user tests, Mercury progressed into an easy to use, simple, and quick interface that helps the audience better organize their student loans. Tony has always enjoyed the intersection between design and technology. He loves creating products and interactions because he is constantly learning and making a difference. Joining the Mercury team has helped him understand and serve our team and audience.

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